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General Rules

  1.  INJA competitions are open to students and professional nail technicians.
  2. The competitions are open to those who satisfy the requirements and applies to the competition properly.
  3. As an international competition participant, the competitor must respect all rules and manners of competition.
  4. Universal and commonsensical standards will apply to other manners or rules not specified in the INJA rules.
  5. A competitor will be disqualified if they intentionally or recklessly applies to a lower division then the actual division they belong in. 
  6. A competitor will be disqualified and banned from all future INJA and Nailympion competitions globally, if they are caught cheating at the time of any of the competitions.
  7. Competitors must specify the division for each classification they are entering when the application form is completed. Once the competitor and has registered they can not change divisions without direct permission from the head judge or INJA supervisor.
  8. The competitor must enter the highest division they qualify for.
  9. Due to the large attendance of international competitors, INJA and the competition's organization is not responsible for verifying that each competitor enters into the correct division. 
  10. INJA and the competition's organization reserves the right to refuse entry to any competitor. 
  11. There are no refunds of competition fees
  12. Competition fees are non-transferable
  13. All photos and videos taken by INJA  and the competition's  personnel or hired contractors are the sole property of INJA and the competition's organization to be used in whatever fashion deemed appropriate by them without compensation to the competitors and models.
  14. Competitors must use a live model and arrange for the model themselves. 
  15. Competitor and Models must be at least 18 years old for divisions 1,2&3.
  16. INJA and the competition's organization is not responsible for any competitor not adhering to or understanding all of the rules.
  17. There is no smoking, drinking Alcohol or eating allowed on the competition floor unless allowed by organizer prior to the competition. 
  18. No mobile phones, tablets or computers of any kind on the competition floor during the competition for both the competitor and the model. No Apple iWatch or Samsung watches that can be used to communicate are allowed.
  19. No outside communication with competitors while competitions are going on. 
  20. Competitors may not be on the competition floor until the floor is open for set up. If the competitor is competing in the following competition, you may leave your table set up but must clear the floor until the arena judge opens it up for the next competitions set up. 
  21. Competitors not understanding English or the language of the hosting country must provide their own translator.
  22. Translators must read over the rules with the competitor prior to the competition briefing to assure the competitor understands all of the rules
  23. The translator must be present during the competition briefing and stay just outside the competition floor in a designated area during the competition in the event that they are needed for communication with the competitor. 
  24. INJA and the competition's organization is not responsible for any competitor not adhering to or understanding all of the rules  
  25. Only competitors and models are allowed to enter into the competition floor. However, translators are allowed to enter the competition floor when the communication with the competitors is necessary and also during the briefing. 
  26. Each competition will have a briefing 15 minutes prior to the start of the competition.   
  27. All competitors and models must be present for the briefing. 
  28. Once the briefing of a competition begins, the competitor may not touch the models nails until the competition begins. If anyone or any  competitor touches the models nails after the briefing and before the competition begins, there will be a 5 point deduction from their final score. 
  29. Models nails will be checked by the arena judge after the briefing to be certain no application has been done prior to the start of the competition.
  30. Competitors allowed to prepare the natural nail prior to the competition. But absolutely no application work of any kind until the competition officially begins. 
  31. If it is decided by the floor head arena judge that application work has been done on the model prior to competition, the competitor will receive a 5 point deduction to their final score. 
  32. Competitors are allowed to set up table, products and supplies during the competition briefing 
  33. Competitors or models may not go into their kits once the competition has started. 
  34.  All products being used during the competition must be clearly labeled. Hand written labels are acceptable.
  35. Competitors must bring all of the necessary electrical supplies, including UV/LED lamps, extension cords, adapters, electric files and table lights. 
  36. Each competitor will be provided one electrical outlet.
  37. Competitors must provide their own products
  38. Strictly no molds that create a well shaped nail may be used for any of the competitions. 
  39. Once the allotted time is up the competitors must immediately stop working and put their hands up. The model must stand up and get in line for judging immediately. 
  40. Competitors caught touching their models hands after the time has been called will receive a 10 point deduction to their final score
  41. Models that have any tattoos on the lower arms or anywhere on their hands must adhere to the rule of having them covered by an official prior to judging. 
  42. Models may not wear any jewelry on their hands or wrist
  43. When instructed, competitors are responsible for getting their model to the judging arena and making certain the model understands that they must be judged by all of the judges before leaving the competition arena. 
  44. Models must not leave the judging area until they have been completely judged. 
  45. Any model that leaves the judging arena prior to being completely judged will be disqualified. 
  46. Any competitor not abiding by these rules will take whatever point deduction is allowed in the rules.  For any rules not specifying a point deduction, there will be one warning. The second infringement will be penalized by a 5 point deduction and the third infringement will be cause for disqualification of the competition.   
  47. In the event of a tie or of any disputes to the scoring places first through ten, the head judge will make the decision. 
  48. The head judges decision is final
  49. Score sheets will be made available for all competitors
  50. In the event that a competition only has 4 competitors, only 1st place trophy will be awarded.
  51. The competition must have a minimum of 3 competitors in it. If less than 3 competitors have entered, the competitor may choose to enter into a division in the next higher division or choose to pull out of it and get a refund on the competition fees.
  52. The use of any type of fire or heating devices, which can ignite that are used directly on the model during the application or curing process is prohibited on the competition floor for all of the competitions.
  53. The competitor is allowed to bring a small trolly or something that can be used as an extra table to put extra items on top when necessary due to small tables that are sometimes provided. 
  54. The competitor can put all the needed items in a open box that be placed on top of the competitors nail kit. 
  55. There is absolutely no touching of the models once the models are lined up in the Q for judging. 
  56. Once the briefing begins the models hands must be on the table and the competitors hands must be placed on their laps under the table.
  57. There will be a 5 point deduction for any violation of the any of the rules.

© 2016 Copy INJA International Nail Judge Association - All Rights Reserved

Description of Submitted Nail Art competition & general rules

Mixed Media/ Box Art - This competition the artwork is submitted the day of competition. The artwork is applied to tips and is presented on a black board. There must be a theme and the use of a minimum of 3 art mediums.   The artwork for this competition will be judged as a compete portrait. One completed composition.

Flat Art -This competition the artwork is submitted the day of the competition.The artwork is applied onto tips that are connected together and is presented on a blackboard. There must be a theme. The artwork must be applied without texture, appear flat and feel smooth. All types of paint mediums are allowed.  The artwork for this competition will be judged as a complete portrait. One completed composition.  

Fantasy Nail Art - This competition the artwork is prepared prior to the competition and is presented on a model the day of the competition. This is a Submitted Art competition. The artwork should be primarily 3D. All types of nail art products are used to create a completed presentation of 3D artwork . Every nail must have artwork. The model must wear a costume to represent the theme of the nails.

 Salon Trend Pedicure Art - This competition the artwork is submitted the day of the competition. The work is applied to Toe nail tips and is presented on a black frame. There is a variety of nail art that is allowed. The art should reflex the latest trends in salon art.  There is no score for theme.

Fantasy Nail Art Tip Box - This competition the artwork is prepared prior to the competition onto 1 nail tip and presented in a clear box. This a submitted art competition. The artwork is primarily 3D. All types of nail art products are used to create a completed presentation of 3D artwork

Salon Trend Manicure Tip Box - This competition the artwork is submitted the day of the competition. The work is applied to Nail tips and is presented on a black board. There is a variety of nail art that is allowed. The art should reflex the latest trends in salon art.  There is no score for theme.

Rhinestone Color Art Tip Box - This competition the artwork is submitted the day of the competition. The work is applied to Nail tips and is presented on a black board. The artwork must all be done with Rhinestones. Various sizes and colors of Rhinestones are used to create the artwork.

Living Art -  This competition is done on objects instead of nails. Items such are mirrors, ceramic boxes, mobile phone covers and jewelry are often used. Artwork consist of flat art, 3D art and embellished with glitter and rhinestones for added effect. There is a theme. 

                                                Submitted Nail Art General rules. 

  1. The competitor is not allowed to use copyrights elements. For example: Disney, Warner bros, Sanrio, Alice in Wonderland MOVIE characters
  2. All entries may be submitted for any of the INJA competitions multiple times. Once the entree has taken 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in any division at any of the INJA competitions, it can not longer be submitted for a new competition.
  3. No repeat trophied entries from past years are allowed.
  4. Pictures will be available from past competitions for judge’s reference. 
  5. Artwork will be prepared and finished by the competitor prior to the competition. 
  6. Every competitor should be prepared to verbally explain how something was created, if asked by the judges. 
  7. Competitors may only submit their own work that they do by hand. 
  8. All entrees may be questioned and the competitor asked to recreate a portion of the work submitted as proof.
  9. The tip/s may be bought or made. If the tips are create by hand, they must have the same proportions and c-curve as commercial tips
  10. All entries must be presented at the time scheduled for the organization and left at the competition until after the close of the competition and award ceremony with the exception of fantasy nail art.
  11. No entries left after the close of the competition will be returned. It is the competitors’ responsibility to pick up their work at the designated time and place. 
  12. All entries, except fantasy on model,  may be accompanied by a typed description of the work involved, including what types of nail art media were used. The description must be written in both English and the native language of the hosting country that the art is entered in. 
  13. The descriptions must be attached to the box( not apart), short, easy to read.
  14. Having a display any larger may result in the competitors entree not being displayed and if it is too large, it may not be accepted or get 5 points deduction. This is left to the discretion of the head judge. 
  15. Maximum of 1 submission for each competition per competitor 
  16. You must be present to enter the Competition. 

© 2016 Copy INJA International Nail Judge Association - All Rights Reserved

MIXED MEDIA  box art

  1. Mixed Media Box Art is a submission type competition.
  2. The tips may be bought or made. If the tips are create by hand, they must have the same proportions and c-curve as commercial tips.
  3. The tips may be connected together or displayed separately.
  4. If 10 tips are to be created they must reflect different nail sizes, as real nails do. Anyone using all one size tips will have an automatic 5 point deduction to their final score. The tips may be any length and shape.
  5. Competitors must use 3 art media: 1. Mediums for painting, example: Micro painting, Air Brush, Water Paint, Gel Paint, Acrylic paint, Polish 2. Mediums to build 3D artwork, example: Acrylic,Color powder,  Gel, Gel Pasta 3. Nail art embellishments, example: Rhinestones, pearls, bullion, foils and crushed shells.
  6. Failure to use 1 of each type of media will result in a 5 point deduction.
  7. All 3 media used must be used in an artistic way, or they will not count towards the required 3 nail art media.
  8. All of the nail art applied to the actual tips, whether attached to the tip or not, will count & must not extend further than 1 cm from the nail surface or 5 points will be deducted from the final score.
  9. No decals or stamping allowed. No molds  (pre cast embellishments) to create art shapes allowed.
  10. The artwork for this competition will be judged as a compete portrait. One completed composition.
  11. The artwork should have all types of artistry of all styles and creativity.
  12. There should be a strong theme presented in the artwork
  13. Total possible point is 110.
  14. The maximum score given for each of the 10 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of difficulty 20pts, Balance 10pts, Composition 10pts, Originality 10pts, Media 10pts, Graphic Quality 10pts, Continuity of theme 10pts, Clarity of design 10pts, Color Theory 10pts, Workmanship 10pts

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FLAT ART TIP BOX  competition

  1. Flat Art Tip Box is a submission competition
  2. The tips must be connected together to create a canvas for the artwork
  3. Competitors may use the following nail art media: airbrushing, acrylic paint, color gels and paints, nail polish.
  4. The art media must be used in an artistic way
  5. All hand painting techniques are allowed but the artwork must be completely flat.
  6. NO nail art embellishments such as Rhinestones, pearls, bullion, foils and crushed shells.
  7. No decals or any kind. No stamping of any kind
  8.  The artwork for this competition will be judged as a compete portrait. One completed composition
  9. The artwork may have all types of artistry and  all styles and creativity.
  10. There should be a strong theme presented in the artwork
  11. Total possible points is 100
  12. The maximum score given for each of the 10 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of  difficulty 20pts, Balance 10pts, Composition 10pts, Originality 10pts, Media 10pts, Graphic Quality 10pts, Continuity of theme 10pts, Clarity of design 10pts, Color Theory 10pts,

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Salon Trends Pedicure tip art box


  1. Salon trends pedicure tip art is a submission type competition. 
  2. Artwork is to be designed on toe nail tips and mounted and placed on a black board  
  3. The tips must be displayed separately. Do not attach them together. 
  4. A full set of 10 TOE nail tips with a maximum length of 2cm must be used to create the artwork and must reflect different nail sizes, as real toe nails do. Example of a good tip size range: larger size 0 or 1. The middle tips 2,3 or 4 and the smallest size 5. Anyone using all one size tips will have an automatic 5 point deduction to their final score.
  5. Competitors may use the following nail art media: ALL Gel products, ALL Acrylic products,  ALL types of painting (Micro art), Polish. Nail art embellishments such as Rhinestones, pearls, bullion, foils, and holograms may be used. Chrome and pearl dust, any nail art effect offered for nails.
  6. No decals of any kind are allowed. Stamping is allowed.
  7. The artwork for this competition will be judged as a "salon trend." The judges expect to see artwork that you would see in the salon.
  8. The artwork should have design and current trend.
  9. There is no score for theme in this competition. It should NOT have a theme or have artwork that has murals or pictorial style artwork.  The judges will maximize the score given if the artwork is too extreme for salon work.
  10. Total points is 100.
  11. The maximum score given for each of the 9 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of difficulty 20pts, Color theory 10pts, Creativity 10 , Rhythm 10pts, Total impression 10pts, Graphic Quality 10pts, Balance 10pts, Workmanship 10pts, Variety 10pts

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Fantasy Nail Art Tip Box Competition

  1. Fantasy Nail Art tip box is considered a submitted art competition.
  2.  All artwork must be attached onto 1 nail tip as the base. Any tip length and shape is acceptable.
  3. The artwork may be as large as the competitor chooses, but it must fit into the proper size box.
  4. Covered displays may be bought or made. Boxes should not be any larger than 25 centimeters in either direction and no more than 20 centimeters in height. 
  5. Competitors may use all types of products used in the nail industry.
  6. Competitors may use items to help create the 3D figures. Wire, netting, balloons or anything that helps to build out the artwork except molding clays. 
  7. Three dimensional, pre-cast embellishments, feathers, decals, gems, accessories, ornaments or any form of fantasy is allowed. That includes LED lights or electrical parts. Anything to add to the artwork.
  8. The artwork should be 3D artwork 
  9. The artwork should have all types of artistry of all styles and creativity.
  10. There should be a strong theme presented in the artwork
  11. Total possible point is 120.
  12. The maximum score given for each of the 11 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of difficulty 20pts, Composition 10pts, Balance 10pts, Color Theory 10pts, Continuity of theme 10pts, Graphic Quality 10pts, Clarity of Design 10pts, Originality 10pts, Workmanship 10pts,  Creativity 10pts, 3-D Presentation 10pts

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  1. Fantasy Nail Art is considered a submitted art competition because the artwork is prepared prior to the competition and then presented on a model at the time of the event.
  2. The model must be complete with the costume, make-up and nails on. The model should be completely finished and reading for judging when arrived.
  3. It is not necessary for the competitor to be present during the actual judging. Competitors that are competing in other competitions during the time of judging May choose to present their model and then leave them for judging so that they can still compete in the hands on competition taking place at the same time. 
  4. Only the model and competitor are allowed on the competition floor for judging.
  5. Competitors may use all types of products used in the nail industry.
  6. Artwork must be on every finger.
  7. The tips do not need to be glued onto the models nails. Clips are allowed to help support the artwork on the model to prevent the need of glue.
  8. Competitors may use items to help create the 3D figures. Wire, netting, balloons or anything that helps to build out the artwork except molding clays.  
  9. Three dimensional, pre-cast embellishments, feathers, decals, gems, accessories, ornaments or any form of fantasy is allowed. That includes LED lights or electrical parts. Anything to add to the artwork.
  10. The artwork should be 3D artwork displayed on every nail.
  11. There is no limitations as to how large the artwork can be.
  12. Keep in mind the costume is a large part of this competition. It should represent the theme of the artwork.
  13. The artwork should have all types of artistry of all styles and creativity.
  14. There should be a strong theme presented in the artwork
  15. Total possible point is 140.
  16. The maximum score given for each of the 12 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of difficulty 20pts, Composition 10pts, Balance 10pts, Color Theory 10pts, Continuity of theme 10pts, Graphic Quality 10pts, Clarity of Design 10pts, Originality 10pts, Workmanship 10pts,  Creativity 10pts, 3-D Presentation 20pts, Costume 10pts


  • How well is the costume presented
  •  It should portray the theme well. 
  • This criteria is scored based on your opinion on how well the costume was put together and how well it represents the theme. 

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Rhinestone Art Color Tip Box


  1. Rhinestone art is a competition that is a submitted art classification.
  2. Cover tips should be used with a square or an oval shape.
  3. The length of the tip should not exceed 1.2 inches ( 04 cm)
  4. The tips must be separate and can not be connected together
  5. There is no theme scored for this competition
  6. You must use multiple color rhinestone used for this competition.
  7. Various shapes and sizes of rhinestones should be used
  8. Complete work must be under 5 mm in height and can not exceed 5 mm
  9. from nail base.
  10. Base nail should only be painted with one color. (Color with glitters is allowed.)
  11. Polishes or color gel (polish gels) may be used.
  12. Gel sealers, top coats and glue are allowed for adhesion of the rhinestones
  13. Total score is 90.
  14. The maximum score given for each of the 8 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of

difficulty 20pts, Color theory 10pts, Creativity in design 10pts, Total impression

10pts,  Balance 10pts, Workmanship 10pts, Rhythm 10pts, Variety 10pts

Creativity in Design

  • The placement of the rhinestones should represent a unique pattern that represents a design

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Living Art Competition 


  1. Living Art is considered a submitted art competition.
  2.  All artwork must be applied to an alternative decorative surface. For example: pins, brooches, key holders, plates, phone covers.
  1. The artwork may be no larger than 10cm in height
  2. Artwork shall be attached to a black board or box. Boards and boxes should be no larger than 20x14cm  
  3. Competitors may use all nail art mediums.
  4. Competitors must use a minimum of 3 art mediums and techniques. Failure to use 3 will result in a 5 point deduction.
  5. Nail art embellishments such as Rhinestones, pearls, bullion, foil, metal ornaments are allowed
  6. The design shall not change the original use or nature of the base product (decorative surface)
  7. The artwork should be a combination of artistry
  8. The artwork should have all types of artistry of all styles and creativity.
  9. There should be a strong theme presented in the artwork
  10. Total possible point is 1
  11. The maximum score given for each of the 10 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of difficulty 20pts, Composition 10pts, Balance 10pts, Color Theory 10pts, Continuity of theme 10pts, Graphic Quality 10pts, Clarity of Design 10pts, Originality 10pts, Workmanship 10pts,  Media 10pts

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Stamp Art Tip Box


  1. Stamp Art Tip Box is a submission type competition. 
  2. Artwork is to be designed on Fingernail tips and mounted and placed on a black board  
  3. The tips must be displayed separately. Do not attach them together. 
  4. A full set of 10 Finger nail tips with a maximum length of 2cm must be used to create the artwork and must reflect different nail sizes, as real fingernails do. Example of a good tip size range: larger size 0 or 1. The middle tips 2,3 or 4 and the smallest size 5. Anyone using all one size tips will have an automatic 5 point deduction to their final score.
  5. Competitors may use the following nail art media: ALL Gel products, ALL acrylic products,  ALL types of painting (Micro art), Polish. Nail art embellishments such as Rhinestones, pearls, bullion, foils, and holograms may be used. Crome and pearl dust, any nail art effect offered for nails.
  6. No decals of any kind are allowed.   
  7. The artwork for this competition will be judged as a "salon trend." The judges expect to see artwork that you would see in the salon.
  8. The artwork should have design and current trend.
  9. There is no score for theme in this competition. It should NOT have a theme or have artwork that has murals or pictorial style artwork.  The judges will maximize the score given if the artwork is too extreme for salon work.
  10. Tips must have a minimum of 50% of artwork with stamping.
  11. And additional artwork added onto the tips must not exceed 1 cm in height.
  12. Total points is 100.
  13. The maximum score given for each of the 9 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of difficulty 20pts, Color theory 10pts, Creativity 10pts, Total impression 10pts, Rhythm 10pts, Balance 10pts, Workmanship 10pts, Media 10pts, Variety 10pts

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Submitted Nail Art


Division I

For competitors who have never placed 1st in any *Submitted Nail Art competitions at any INJA certified competition and **Internationally recognized competition in Division 1.

Competitors that have taken 2nd or 3rd in Division 1.

For competitors who have placed 1st at any INJA certified competition in STUDENT divisions and still qualify under the rules for students.

Division II

For competitors who have competed in any *Submitted Nail Art  at any INJA certified competition **Internationally recognized competition and have placed in 1st in division 1 or placed 2nd or 3rd for division 2.

Division III

For competitors that have placed 1st in any * Submitted Nail Art*at any INJA certified competition *Internationally recognized competition and 1st at any INJA certified competition in division 2 & 3

For competitors who have won Division 1&2 Nail Art Champion

Nail Art Champion

Divisions 1,2&3 will each have its own Nail art champion. To qualify, all competitors must compete in Fantasy Nail Art,  Mixed Media and a minimum of 2  of the 4 other submitted nail art competitions. For example; Salon Trend Art tip box, Salon Trend Pedicure tip box, Flat Art tip box or Fantasy tip box

The champion will be determined by the total score that combines all 4 scores together.

**Submitted Nail Art

Any competition where the work is done prior to the competition and turned in to be judged or is put onto a model for display.

© 2016 Copy INJA International Nail Judge Association - All Rights Reserved


Regole, Criteri & Istruzioni per I giudici

della competizione

Regole della competizione

1. Poster è una competizione di tipo submitted.

2. La foto deve essere scattata in alta risoluzione

3. Il poster deve essere stampato in formato A4 

4. Le unghie fotografate devono essere ben visibili e rappresentare struttura e nail art da salone.

5. Non devono essere  unghie lunghe 

6. la nail art che verrà  eseguita deve essere facile e veloce da creare ma il tempo stesso originale 

7. Dovrà essere fotografata solamente una mano, in primo piano in modo che sia ben visibile il lavoro 

8. Ai concorrenti è consentito utilizzare i seguenti nail art media: tutti i tipi di gel, tutti i tipi di acrilico, tutti i tipi di pittura (micropittura), smalto. E’ inoltre consentito l’uso di Decorazioni nail art quali strass, perle, metalli preziosi, lamine e colori olografici. Colori crome e polvere di perla, ogni tipo di nail art creato per le unghie.

9. Alla competizione non sono ammessi alcun tipo di decalchi. Lo stamping è ammesso

10. Il lavoro per questa competizione sarà giudicata come nail art da salone. I giudici si Aspettano di vedere lavori che vedrebbero in un salone.Non ci sono punteggi per il tema in questa competizione. Non dovrebbe avere il tema o avere una lavorazione come un murales o uno stile pittorico. Se il lavoro è troppo estremo per il salone i giudici abbasseranno il massimo del punteggio che può prendere un criterio.

11. Il punteggio totale massimo è 100

12. I criteri giudicati per questa 

competizioni sono: livello di difficoltà 20pt, teoria del colore 10pt, creatività 10pt, qualità  fotografica 10pt

impressione totale 10pt, qualità grafica del lavoro eseguito10pt, bilanciamento 10pt, lavorazione finale 10pt, 

varietà 10pt

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Tip portrait

1. Tip Portrait is a competition submitted

2. The work must be carried out on only one tip

3. The tip must represent a portrait of a human face or an animal and be accompanied by a photo of the person or animal being portrayed

4. The work must be accompanied by a written description

5. Competitors can use the following media for nail art: airbrush, acrylic paint, color gel and paint, nail polish.

6. Artistic media must be used in an artistic way.

7. All painting techniques are allowed but the work must be completely flat.

8. Nail art like rhinestones, pearls, builons, foil and shells in pieces are not allowed.

9. No decals or such things are allowed. No stamping is allowed.

10. The artwork for this competition will be judged as a portrait.

11. Art work can have any kind of artistic ability on any style and creativity

12. Total score possible 90 points higher score given for each of the 10 criteria judged for this competitions are: - - difficulty level 20pt,

- balance 10pt,

- composition 10pt,

- originality 10pt ,

- media10pt,

- graphic quality 10pt,

- clarity of design 10pt,

- color theory 10pt ,

- final processing 10pt .

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  1. Salon trends Manicure tip art is a submission type competition. 
  2. Artwork is to be designed on Fingernail tips and mounted and placed on a black board  
  3. The tips must be displayed separately. Do not attach them together. 
  4. A full set of 10 Finger nail tips with a maximum length of 2cm must be used to create the artwork and must reflect different nail sizes, as real fingernails do. Example of a good tip size range: larger size 0 or 1. The middle tips 2,3 or 4 and the smallest size 5. Anyone using all one size tips will have an automatic 5 point deduction to their final score.
  5. Competitors may use the following nail art media: ALL Gel products, ALL acrylic products,  ALL types of painting (Micro art), Polish. Nail art embellishments such as Rhinestones, pearls, bullion, foils, and holograms may be used. Crome and pearl dust, any nail art effect offered for nails.
  6. No decals of any kind are allowed. Stamping is allowed.
  7. The artwork for this competition will be judged as a "salon trend." The judges expect to see artwork that you would see in the salon.
  8. The artwork should have design and current trend.
  9. There is no score for theme in this competition. It should NOT have a theme or have artwork that has murals or pictorial style artwork.  The judges will maximize the score given if the artwork is too extreme for salon work.
  10. Total points is 100.

The maximum score given for each of the 9 criteria judged for this competition are: Level of difficulty 20pts, Color theory 10pts, Creativity 10 , Rhythm 10pts, Total impression 10pts, Graphic Quality 10pts, Balance 10pts, Workmanship 10pts, Variety 10pts

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